Smells are quick and easiest way to associate with the surroundings. It comes, lingers and leave a mark upon the senses for long. For a person like me whose smell receptors doesn't often remain active (Yes, I am prone to persistent cold since childhood) there are some aromas which are reluctant to stay with me. They usually remain dormant provided i do not come across one. Once stimulated they all come out of active hippocampus.
For a kid born and bought up in a joint family an encounter with varied smells happens on a regular basis. Being the eldest, the privilege of wondering in the unexplored portions of our big premises gave me an advantage to came across many of these. One very typical of it which i can recall at the mere mention of my birthplace Bharatpur is of "Dahi wali Aaloo ki subji" (potato cooked in curd or chhach). Our elders used to relish it every other day while we kids ate it in dejection. The aroma of teekha tadka decorating curries and dals is still preserved in me.
Our second abode after a shift from our hometown reminds me of Roses.Red, Orange, pink, white we had it all. Smelling it from a distance, as a precaution of not inhaling the microbes, stays with me and gets refreshed at every visit to dargah in Ajmer. We had a kuccha lawn then which revitalized our souls in rains. Rainy season was the most desirable as we awaited the scent of wet ground followed with the tempting cheelas (pancakes made of plain flour/gram flour, sweet and salted both).
Lifebuoy- the original red can not be left behind. Family preferred it most to save us from the brigade of attacking micro-organisms. Blue Good night bar used to fill our rooms with a peculiar stingy smell which surprisingly was enjoyed by me. Coming out fresh from the bathroom was synonyms with Clinic Plus promising long and strong hair. Moti created the ever lasting aroma of our bathroom. Distempers paints were not so popular in those days and hence a newly painted house promised a wierd smell of Kali (solution prepared mixing lime, water and a tinge of fabric whitener).
Me and my sister were crazy for any and every new stationery item introduced in market. My father bought us many fancy erasers from one of his official trip to Delhi. Smelling the strong and artificial scent of multi- colored stationery was thoroughly enjoyed. And how could i forget mentioning the smell of my Mother. I wonder how do she still smells like a just-bathed-newborn.
These scents reminds me of my carefree young days of fun and play.
(Written as an entry to the contest "Smelly to Smiley" hosted by #AmbiPur and #Indiblogger. Visit for going through aromatic nostalgic memories.
These scents reminds me of my carefree young days of fun and play.
(Written as an entry to the contest "Smelly to Smiley" hosted by #AmbiPur and #Indiblogger. Visit for going through aromatic nostalgic memories.